Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Wizard's Scroll Newsletter May 15, 2008

Wizard's Scroll
in this issue
:: Bill Goldman in Person!
:: Manuel Meurte 06/04/09!
:: New Products!
:: The Return of "One Night" Stan Waldman

Hello Super Friends!

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Consider this a reminder to make sure you are free at 7P.M next Wednesday evening, May 21st. Bill Goldman is delivering his award-winning lecture at The Wizard's Apprentice and it is only 20 dollars to get in the door. I've seen a lot of lectures over the years and Bill's is always one of the best. He has great material, knows how to teach it and he's laugh out loud funny throughout.

Jack knows this is short notice but there is no way he was going to miss an opportunity to have Bill Goldman lecture. To encourage a great turnout, Jack is raffling off a $100 Wizard's Apprentice gift certificate provided a crowd of twenty or more. So come on in, bring your magic buds, and learn, laugh and maybe even earn!


Speaking of Gift Certificates!

GIFTCARD It happens all the time; I see someone come into The Wizard's Apprentice to buy a present for a relative or friend they know is into the fine art of prestidigitation. The thoughtful person knows magic will make a great gift but doesn't have a clue what the intended recipient needs, wants or already owns.
This is the perfect occasion to buy a Wizard's Apprentice Gift Certificate! Available for you in any denomination you like. You can redeem your Wizard's Gift Certificate online or at the shop. Each gift certificate comes attractively packaged with a handful of custom manufactured Wizard's Apprentice "Andes" Candies and a beginner's book of magic. -DBC

June Lecture News!

On Wednesday, June 4th, Manuel Muerte makes his only South Florida Lecture stop at The Wizard's Apprentice. Manuel is a true master of misdirection and his work in this area is not to be missed. Seating is limited, the cost is 20 dollars and the time is 7:00 P.M.
"Look for more on Manuel Muerte coming soon."

Boris Wild.
wpt card trick
An amazing, visual and magical transformation that will leave your audience speechless!

Five cards are shown to your audience. They represent your poker hand - and a poor one, at that. With a deft turn of the wrist and a snap of the fingers, the mismatched cards instantly and visibly change into the winning hand - a Royal Flush in spades!

stan waldman
Final Note...
Congratulations to The Wizard's Apprentice's One Night Stan Waldman on his successful tour with Michael Locke & The Repeat Offenders. They played a mix of R & B, the blues and rock and roll to sold out crowds for 2 shows per night. You were missed while you were away, Stan, and this is where I'd usually insert some mildly insulting or sarcastic comment. Instead, let me just speak for everyone and say it's good to have you back!

Good Thoughts,

Dr. Bill

David Solomon's "Thoughts Across" A direct, devious method for the classic Cards Across plot.
Two spectators select a card - mentally - from a packet of ten. Without any questions, sleights, or monkey business, both cards vanish from the packet completely, and travel to another packet which has been in plain sight from the get-go.
Any cards can be thought of. There are no forces, and no palming is required.
On this DVD, you will learn David Solomon''s personal handlings of Thoughts Across, as well as two bonus tricks: Double-Crossed Switchcraft and Pure Vice-Versa. Both bonus tricks can be performed with a borrowed deck.
All the necessary cards are provided, custom-printed by the United States Playing Card Company.

Well that about does it for this edition of the Wizard's Scroll. I truly thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. If you have any questions or queries do not hesitate to voice your opinion. We'd love to hear from you. Be on the look out for coupons on close-up card magic next edition of The Wizard's Scroll. Until then, we'll see ya' at Billy Goldman's lecture!

Jack Maxwell
The Head Wizard

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